Midwifery Care
Prenatal CAre
photo courtesy of breaSmith photography
Establishing and Maintaining a health pregnancy is crucial in planning to give birth at home. Nutrition plays a large role as well as setting up a trusting relationship.
Each hour long prenatal visit is conducted in the office. Each visit inlcludes monitoring blood pressure, pulse, fetal heart rate; feeling baby’s position; etc.; discussion of many topics relating to the prenatal period, preparing for labor and birth, and postpartum/newborn period; and feeding the newborn. There is also time to address any questions or concerns. Any necessary/desired labwork and ultrasounds can be obtained.Partners and children are encouraged to attend. An additional prenatal visit is done at home to ensure preparations are made for the birth.
There are typically 10-14 prenatal visits before the birth.
The midwife is also available 24/7 for emergencies and general inquiries.
Towards the end of the pregnancy we are in close contact, with weekly visits and by phone.
Once labor is established, we go to the home and are present through the birth and for a minimum of 2 hours after the baby is born.
We support and monitor vitals, and well being, including fetal heart rate; and encouraging eating and drinking and activity in labor. We are continually assessing the process and ready to manage most emergency's. If complications arise and home birth is no longer safe we can transfer to a local hospital for higher level care and offer continued support during the transition and during the bith.
Postpartum and Newborn Care
Immediate care and assessment after the birth is given for a minimum of 2 hours. A home visit is done at 24-36 hours post birth where we offer thorough check ups and Newborn Screenings. Another home check up is done around 3 days post partum, with additional home visits if needed. Additional 2-week and a 6-week visits back in the office to continue monitoring and assessing well being.
Postpartum care includes monitor of parent physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well being as well as the well being of newborns; including weight checks and lactation support.
The midwife continues to offer 24/7 availability until the final 6-week visit.
Specialized Birth Care
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean is an option at Dance of Life Midwifery. However VBAC does not come with out risk.
You are encouraged to do your own research on VBAC and VBAC at home.
Dance of Life has a policy to monitor and ensure a safe pregnancy and birth for parents and their babies when choosing VBAC at home.
Water Labor and Birth
Warm water of a birth tub can offer benefits to labor and birth: Allows the body to relax which can lessen the experience of pain form contractions; Has a calming, soothing effect; Partners can also be in the tub; You can feel lighter, and can move easily and freely into different positions with less stress on the body.
When a baby is born under water it can offer a smooth transition from womb to air for babies. Babies typically do not take their first breath until they are brought out of the water.
Dance of Life offers various sizes of inflatable tubs designed specifically for water births. Family’s with their own birth tub or larger built in home tubs are suitable.
Twin births can be a variation of normal and proceed without complications for both mother and babies. Twin births can also have the potential for complications.
You are encouraged to do your own research on birthing twins at home.
Dance of Life has a policy to monitor and ensure a safe pregnancy and birth for parents and their babies when choosing to birth twins at home.